My current obsessive genre is science-fiction. For all of you who enjoy some fiction that exposes some key elements of human nature through imagining future possibilities of where human beings end up, you should check out Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick (the book Blade Runner is based on, which happens to be one of my all-time favorites films and if you haven't seen it, just go buy a copy. Enjoy the long discussions over whether or not Deckard is a replicant and pay attention to that last scene of Rutger Hauer's because he adlibbed it. I've heard he came up with the tears in rain portion and I've also heard that he came up with most of it. Either way, it's an iconic scene for a reason) or Neuromancer by William Gibson. Well, there are tons but those two are my current reading choices. I have read the first one but I never got around to reading Neuromancer for whatever reason. I was thrilled when I found it tucked away in one of my bookcases, just waiting for me to notice it. And really, anything by those authors is going to be good.
Here's that final scene of Hauer's in Blade Runner. If you haven't seen the flick and plan to, you may not want to watch this scene. It does happen near the very end of the film, after all.
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