Monday, September 13, 2010

Party on, Garth.

Why must I continually fail to save a story/paper after I have been working on it for more than an hour? I'm trying to go back through this short story and get it to where it was but it's not happening. It just seems lacking now. Is there any way I can get Microsoft Word to automatically save my progress as a backup file every ten minutes or so? That would be pretty amazing.

On a different note that doesn't make me want to weep...for my friend's sister's 21st Birthday I shall be dressing as Garth Algar from Wayne's World. She's celebrating her Birthday over three days and the first day consists of a costume party. What better costume than Garth?
So far I have myself the glasses and a wig. Sadly, the wig is pretty pathetic. It just doesn't look right. I'm going to try and...well, destroy it a bit to try and get it to look as haggard as Garth's hair. The clothes will be a snap. My friend has agreed to be Wayne so she better not back out. Although if she does, I guess I'll be Garth sans Wayne. I'll just look gloomy as I morosely chew on red vines, giving a sad little "schwing" to passing ladies.

I still don't know what I am going to be for Halloween so if anyone has any neat ideas, throw them my way. Please.

Back to trying to bring my story back to life.

Oh, and who else is obsessed with this song by Florence + the Machine?


  1. Google documents has saved my life. It saves as you type, which is amazing. And you can access it anywhere you get internet.

    And YES! Florence and the Machine :))))

  2. Sorry for the virtual stalking (FP brought me here, what can I say), but after seeing this post I feel as though maybe confessing it will help me - but God, I have an unhealthy desperation for listening to Florence and the Machine obsessively. It's been going on for months.
